»To a certain extent, I came into this very homogeneous constellation as a foreign body. I was catapulted into a leadership role that I could not adequately fill as a 20-year-old. ... I have to admit quite openly that I was overchallenged.«

Isang Enders caused a sensation when, at the age of 20, he won the position of principal cellist at the Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden – a position that had previously remained vacant for over a decade. Find out in the podcast why he no longer plays in this orchestra, what he learned in Dresden about himself, music, and East Germany, and what projects keep him busy today as a soloist and chamber musician.
Isang Enders will perform twice at Beethovenfest Bonn 2023. He will open the festival with the traditional »Prologue« in the church Bonner Münster, where he will create an atmospheric evening around the motif of the mirror with choir and instrumental partners. He will also be performing with his ensemble – the Sitkovetsky Trio.
bee.contemporary is the podcast of Beethovenfest Bonn. Here we invite guests from musical life, culture and society to talk about current artistic projects and contemporary discourses.
Isang Enders at Beethovenfest Bonn 2023
, Bonner Münster
Prologue: Mirror of Life
VocalVOX BONA chamber choir of the Kreuzkirche Bonn, Isang Enders, Adam Walker
Tavener, Saariaho, Henze