»This is probably the quality of Beethoven that I admire the most: That he opened the door between the utterly abstract, incomprehensible realm and the realm accessible to everybody.« –Kit Armstrong

A new year and a new season begins at the festival podcast bee.contemporary. In the conversations, artistic director Steven Walter offers first insights into the programme of the 2023 festival.
Pianist and composer Kit Armstrong kicks things off. He joined Renaud Capuçon and Julia Hagen on stage for the final concert of the 2022 Beethovenfest. This year, he returns to Bonn with a piano recital. In the podcast, he talks about his fascination with music, mathematics, physics and chemistry, and his personal approach to Beethoven's music. His recital in September 2023 will bring Beethoven's piano music into dialogue with Beethoven's great role model, Johann Sebastian Bach.
bee.contemporary is a podcasts by Beethovenfest Bonn. We invite guests from the areas of music, culture and society to talk to us about new artistic projects and contemporary debates.